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After Delivery

Take care of yourself through the first days after delivery

A mother after delivery with her baby

I want to share with you, first time mom, some tips that can help you cope with some of the physical and emotional changes which usually occur after delivery.

During the first hour after my vaginal delivery, my adrenalin was so high that I thought I could do anything at that moment. A few hours later it turned over, I was exhausted.

In doctor's words, a profound fall in the levels of the pregnancy hormones causes physical changes which can last several weeks after giving birth.

As a first time mom I didn't know how to relieve the pain and to care for myself. After each delivery I studied something new about recovering. I suggest you read and use these tips that will help you recover more quickly after the delivery of your child.

Learn more about:
Baby Blues

The first and most important thing: Try to rest as much as you can.

After washing yourself try to walk through the maternity ward. This helps both mentally and physically.
You must keep hygiene. Keeping your vagina clean and dry will heal it quickly. You can wash by gently petting the area with lukewarm water and soap.
If your vagina is swollen and painful, try frozen pads, this can help you calm and cool the area and reduce the swell.
If you develop hemorrhoids during pregnancy, try to avoid constipation by drinking a lot of water and add a lot of fruits and vegetables to your diet.
After my Cesarean Section, I got Edema, my legs were so swollen that they had actually multiplied themselves. To get rid of Edema, you must drink a lot of water.
If you feel that you have abnormal bleeding, you feel dizzy or your eyesight is foggy, don’t hesitate and call the doctor.
Buy yourself special underwear for use after the delivery as these are very comfortable and you don’t have to wash them.
It is very difficult to sit if you have stitches in your vagina. Try to sit on a life buoy that can help reduce the pain.
Take painkiller if you feel pain, especially during the first days after the delivery.
Sport is out of the question for about 6 weeks after giving birth.
Six weeks after giving birth, you have to be examined by your doctor.
Share these newborn poems with your newborn infant child.
Using all these actions after delivery will help you recover more quickly and feel calmer. It also will give you the time and energy needed to care for baby.
Always remember that a healthy and happy mom is most likely to have calm and happy child.

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