Chinese version: 中国胎儿性别预测法

Chinese Baby Gender Predictor

The gender of an upcoming baby was an important and mysterious issue throughout history.
People wanted to predict and control the gender of their new baby for various reasons.

Is it a baby girl?

Is it a baby boy?

Families who had just girls wanted a boy in order to ensure the continuity of the family name. In some cultures (even nowadays) women who gave birth to girls but were unable to produce males could be driven away by their husbands in order to enable them to remarry and try their luck with the new women.
In villages or on farms, having a boy simply assured that someone will have the physical ability to work and support the family when the parents become old.
Heritage laws in some cultures give priority to males.

All of us have heard about various methods that were used to predict the gender of the baby in the past. Here are two bizarre examples:

Take a wedding ring and attach it to a strand of hair. Hold it over mom's belly while she is lying down. If the wedding ring swings in a strong circular motion, you are going to have a girl. If it moves like a pendulum, you are most likely to have a boy.
There is an old belief that the fetal heart rate can predict its gender. If the fetus heart rate is above 130-140 beats per minute, then it is probably a girl, otherwise it is a boy.

The Baby Gender Predictor we offer here is based on an ancient Chinese chart that was found on a royal tomb near Beijing almost 800 years ago. The claim is that if it is used properly it will be 90% accurate as a baby gender predictor. The table is based on your Chinese age and the Lunar month of conception.

How to use it:

Use the table below and enter your regular age and your month of conception and we will calculate for you the details (we will figure out your Chinese age).


We use the solar year while Chinese use the lunar year and therefore there are some cases were our calculation will not be accurate enough.
This is mainly important if you plan to have a baby around your birthday month or around Chinese New Year.

Try it! It is fun!

Chinese Baby Gender Predictor

Your age of conception
Your month of conception
Your newborn will probably be:
About your Chinese age:
Hope you like it! ...

The information provided here is for entertainment purposes only and should not be relied upon.
Information provided here is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical care or advice.Use of the Chinese baby gender predictor indicates your acceptance of these terms.

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