My first birth story

by Cherry

Two days old

Two days old

Hi Sarit,

Thanks for sharing your birth story with us. I have one child so just one story to share. I can't put into words the whole experience….You had to be there. Even then, it's just a different experience for each individual.
I do remember a few things worth sharing though- I kept a journal during the pregnancy till today. Make it a point to write in it once a month at least to my daughter, Tal (her father) writes in it too from time to time. I hope she will learn through this too, how much we love and want her. Guess I'll give it to her in the teen years, when she needs it the most…
As far as birth stories go, I gave birth in a hospital as customary in our country I wanted a natural process, just didn't like the idea of a needle being stuck in my backbone.
Ronnie's birth took about 12 hours, but time went by very fast. Towards the end we were both a bit stuck just couldn't progress to the next level. Not knowing my own strength I decided not to be a hero I decided to take the injection of Eppi. It speeded things up and worked out great for the both of us.
Also I had Tal, my partner in life with me, and surprisingly he was very helpful and comforting. Massages whiling having contractions were helpful. Having him to fetch and clear things out of my way very helpful as I could not concentrate on anything but the birth process itself. He just let me do as I pleased and catered to all my need- it was the best!

I remember important tips I got from my yoga instructor during my pregnancy and they were very helpful in the hospital. She said there are only three questions you have to remember in the labor room when offered by a doctor or staff any kind of procedure. A- Ask why now? B- Ask what my alternative is. C- Ask for a few minutes to think about it (even if you don't need too). The first question gives you info as to what has changed. The second question lets you know what happens if you don't choose to cooperate. Finally the last question lets you examine the doctor's response to your question, for instance – he might say he cannot give you five minutes and then you know that this is serious and important.

More advice was that doctors and nurses do as they are trained to do, if you don't guide them otherwise they will offer you the standard procedure and protocol. If you let them know what you want they will respect your wishes as long it does not endanger your own health.
AS for feelings, I remember a vast range of feelings but most of all amazement. I wish a beautiful experience for all women who have to this stage in life. Even the pain is not just pain, its life giving pain, which makes a different story all together.
Best wishes

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Jun 07, 2010
Inspiring experience
by: Anonymous

Your story inspired me, also you gave useful tips that mothers can take for their giving birth experience.
Thank you for sharing this story with us.
I hope that the second birth will be at least like the first and even better.

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