Our Unique Baby Names Finder

There are thousands of web sites that offer new parents endless lists of unique baby names, usually with their meaning and origin. Their searching technique, which is quite similar, is based on your choice of origin, gender and probably part of the name's meaning. In order to get the best possible results, our technique uses some new advanced criteria in addition to the basic technique.

Ready ? Find yourself a name!

unique baby names

unique baby names

How does it work?
1. We use the web search engines to study the popularity of our names and then divide them into the following categories :
Extremely rare
Low popularity
High popularity
Very widely used
2. You define your preferences.
3. We will consider your surname in order to filter baby names
that will not sound harmonious together with it.

Before searching a name please make sure you read our
baby names tips page

Also, If you ever though of naming your baby over a celebrity, you better read this article

Origins: Our database contains 30000 baby names from about 150 origins. In order to pin point your selection for unique baby names we will enable you to filter some of the origins that appears many times. For example:
"I don’t want to have an American name". One quick example:

Take the English name "Yale". You will not find it in the "top 1000" of any naming list, but a simple search in Google will show you more than 27 million results (Yale university, etc …) so calling it rare name is not so accurate. On the other side of the scale: The beautiful Scottish name "Laochailan" appear on the web less than 1000 times. As for today there is only one facebook member with that name. That is what we call a "rare name".

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